Monday, September 1, 2008

History Inspires Me

History inspires me...
Portugal is a country full of history and legends, and that is one of the things that makes me feel proud of being Portuguese. Its pretty easy to find different stories to use as an inspiration;thousands of worlds inside my world that have never been explored; each one of them full of colour, and little details, that when intelligently mixed with a bit of creativity, can culminate in unique creations.

Let me tell you one of those:

"At a banquet given by a rich landowner in Barcelos, a valuable piece of silver was stolen and one of guests was accused of the theft. He was tried by the court and was found guilty. In spite of the overwhelming evidence against him, he still protested his innocence. The magistrate granted the man a final chance to prove his case. Seeing a cock in a basket nearby he said, “If I am innocent, the cock will crow.” The cock crowed and the prisoner was allowed to go free."

draw inspired by galos de barcelos legend Portugal sketch croquis red and black

With a simple old legend, and a simple image, i decided to create a small colection of five garments, for a fashion contest in 2007. Although i didn't get any prize, i´m still happy with my creations, and for this reason, im exposing them in this blog.

Before starting making judgments about my work, let me just remind you that i am not a fashion designer or even a fashion student. I have studied fashion & textiles 2 years ago, but was unable to finish my course. One of my biggest dreams is to be able to finish what i left undone in the past.

Anyway, hope you enjoy looking at my sketches.
Here they are:

draw inspired by galos de barcelos legend Portugal sketch croquis red and black

draw inspired by galos de barcelos legend Portugal sketch croquis red and black

draw inspired by galos de barcelos legend Portugal sketch croquis red and black

draw inspired by galos de barcelos legend Portugal sketch croquis red and black

1 comment:

Kathamina said...

Minha querida Fada Azul, tenho tantas saudades tuas, tantas...
Continuas a ser a minha criadora favorita.
Nunca desistas dos teus sonhos porque tu sem dúvida tens arte a correr nas veias e a sair em cada poro da tua pele.
Um beijinhos enorme